Your Guide to Vaginal Discharge and Other Related Concerns

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Caring for your vaginal health is essential for your overall wellbeing. It also means being aware of vaginal problems’ symptoms and ways to improve your vagina’s health. One way to take better care of your vagina is to learn more about your vaginal discharge. This way, you can determine whether your body fluid’s colour, amount, and consistency is normal or requires prompt medical attention.

What Is Vaginal Discharge?

Vaginal discharge is fluid secreted from your uterus, cervix, and vagina. It leaks to get rid of harmful body wastes, like old cells. It is a means to keep your reproductive system healthy and clean. The amount of discharge, colour, and consistency vary from day to day depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle and other factors, such as your hormones, pregnancy, and infections.

How Can I Tell If I Have Healthy Vaginal Discharge?

Healthy vaginal discharge is characterized by clear or white colour, a slight odour (but not strong-smelling), and changes in its consistency. Your vagina is functionally properly when the discharge that you find on your underwear has a yellowish tint. Otherwise, consult your doctor.

What Are Some Signs I Should Talk to My Doctor?

If you notice your vaginal discharge has quickly changed from its usual colour, smell, and consistency, then talk to your doctor right away. Here are some telltale signs that you should watch out for in your vaginal discharge:

  • It appears brown, green, yellow, grey, or blood-stained
  • Its colour and consistency is similar to cottage cheese
  • It looks foamy or frothy
  • It has a strong smell of fish, yeast, or another odour

Other symptoms you should look out for that may require prompt medical attention are vaginal pain, itching, swelling, or burning. It may be a sign of various health conditions, such as:

  • Infection
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Chlamydia
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Yeast infection
  • Vaginitis
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Trichomoniasis

What Are the Treatments?

If you have an abnormal vaginal discharge, your doctor has to assess your symptoms and conduct various tests to determine its cause. You may undergo physical exams, pap smears, or pH tests. Your samples may also have to be reviewed under a microscope.

Meanwhile, some women consider Botox cosmetics for vaginal tightening and rejuvenation. If you plan to undergo this procedure, remember that it is recommended for those who have reproductive muscles that contract excessively during intercourse. Consult your doctor first before receiving this treatment.

How Do I Keep My Vagina Healthy?

Maintaining good feminine hygiene is key to keeping your vagina healthy. Use only breathable clothing and avoid wearing restrictive garments to prevent vaginal irritation and clean only the outside of your vagina with soap and water.

When using feminine care products, avoid those with strong scents. If you notice irregular vaginal discharge or experience any weird symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.


Vaginal discharge is a normal part of your reproductive cycle. It is your responsibility to learn more about this aspect of your health to ensure your overall well-being. Remember the information stated above so you can easily notice any changes throughout your menstrual cycle and check for any complications.

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